Health Archives - Super Slow LA Los Angeles 30 Minute Workout Online Tue, 31 Jan 2023 20:26:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health Archives - Super Slow LA 32 32 Taking Charge Of Your Bone Health With Exercise Wed, 01 Feb 2023 20:23:00 +0000 As we age, we often became aware of noticeable aging traits: Reading the daily death notices; Talking to yourself; and Forgetting the punch lines to jokes.  All humor efforts aside, perhaps a disturbing inheritance of aging for many people is osteoporosis.  Osteoporosis causes bones to thin and weaken and leaves people vulnerable to hip and other fractures.   […]

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As we age, we often became aware of noticeable aging traits: Reading the daily death notices; Talking to yourself; and Forgetting the punch lines to jokes.  All humor efforts aside, perhaps a disturbing inheritance of aging for many people is osteoporosis.  Osteoporosis causes bones to thin and weaken and leaves people vulnerable to hip and other fractures.  

As with many other age-related conditions, there are things we can do to protect ourselves from osteoporosis.  Several controllable osteoporosis factors include:  

Not enough calcium and vitamin D intake; Smoking cigarettes; Drinking too much alcohol; and being sedentary.  Your risks of developing osteoporosis can be reduced by taking steps to build stronger bones by eating low or nonfat dairy products, replace pop or soda with water or a decaffeinated beverage and exercising regularly including weight-bearing exercises. Research has shown that regular exercise helps a great deal to increase your bone mass.

For more information regarding how workouts at SuperSlowLA can improve your physical health with only 30-minute workout sessions each week, check out SuperSlowLA today at, 310-471-1300 or at 11604 Chayote Street, Los Angeles, CA 90049. 

Millions of us in the United States have osteoporosis.  Stop fears of getting old today and make working out fun and effective by exercising and training your balance and entire body today at SuperSlowLA.  Because whole body maximum health is absolutely achievable today!  Contact SuperSlowLA today at to learn more.

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How to Improve Your Motivation to Exercise Tue, 01 Nov 2022 17:10:00 +0000 Funny thing about exercise.  With pretty much everything in life, and people pretty much existing 24/7 online and eternally searching the worldwide web, there is definitely a lack of widely accessible information regarding exercising.  For instance, most of us could and would easily access accurate information on how to install satellite television or how to read a […]

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Funny thing about exercise.  With pretty much everything in life, and people pretty much existing 24/7 online and eternally searching the worldwide web, there is definitely a lack of widely accessible information regarding exercising.  For instance, most of us could and would easily access accurate information on how to install satellite television or how to read a financial statement.  

When it comes to exercise things are definitely different.  There is information everywhere and everyone knows, or says they know, how and some way to exercise. However … the lack of motivation towards exercise shown by humans worldwide proves that we do not do what we know, and we do not do what we want either because most of us genuinely want to exercise but we don’t always do it. 

Clearly, in order to exercise we need to do, not just what we know or want, but what we are motivated to do. This article will share a few strategies that hope to help you become motivated to exercise.

#1 — Have a vision about your self-image.  The truth is most of us have a certain picture of how we would like to look. Without a vision of our ideal body shape or weight you are doomed to just pump food into your body and not make an effort to lose weight. This article is not at all saying you should not accept yourself the way you are. Rather … This article is saying that it is important for each and every person to have a vision about your healthy self-image, and accepting yourself the way you are right now might mean you do wish to change your self-image when it comes to being fit or weight loss. 

#2 — Forget fitness rules and do what you like

It is easy to get trapped into what experts think exercise should be. Things in life get done when we have fun and are excited. Forget what other people think exercise should be. What are you exactly into? Whatever you are into, let that be your exercise.

Pickup your momentum and move away from a sedentary lifestyle.  The reason most of us successfully learned to ride a bicycle when we were young was due to the fact that even-though falling was painful, we did what we liked. Do what you like when it comes to exercise to overcome what you perceive as pain in exercising.

#3 — Do not eat for taste.

To keep motivated to exercise you need to see results, like muscle gain, weight loss or a toned body.  If you do not see results, you are likely to give up.  To see results you need to eat well. Remember if you want to lose weight or gain muscle 80% of exercise results depend on your diet and 20% depend on your physical effort.

Most people fail when it comes to diet because they eat for taste. When it comes to taste, pretty much everyone would agree that KFC definitely beats a dish of steamed or cooked vegetables. So … the real truth is that when we eat for taste we set ourselves up for failure.  Commit to eat differently.  Eat for nutrition rather taste. 

Make your now, that means today as well as the 2022 year, your time for fun working out by exercising and training your balance and entire body at SuperSlowLA.  

Because whole body maximum health is absolutely achievable today! Contact SuperSlowLA today at to learn more.

Remember to remain inspired, remove all obstacles standing in your way of total body success and do not dare give up on yourself or your dreams! Visit SuperSlowLA today at

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Exercising too hard may actually be dangerous Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:14:51 +0000 I’m all for cardio as part of an overall exercise program; it’s great for your heart in moderation. But, as pointed out in this recent Men’s Health story, it is possible to overdo a good thing. Why is it so important to not go overboard? If you work out intensely and often, there’s a chance […]

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I’m all for cardio as part of an overall exercise program; it’s great for your heart in moderation. But, as pointed out in this recent Men’s Health story, it is possible to overdo a good thing.
Why is it so important to not go overboard? If you work out intensely and often, there’s a chance that,  over time, you could develop what’s called an “athlete’s heart.” According to studies, “your odds of heart trouble decline as you go from sedentary to moderately active. But when you work your heart vigorously for hours a day, your risk may start to rise again.” This article points out these risks and suggests some possible solutions to lower them. I hope you find it valuable.

Yours in good health, Benjamin Fisher!

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Does bad medical news make your blood pressure rise? Wed, 15 Nov 2017 01:00:07 +0000 It’s happened again. Last year, health officials lowered their recommendations for safe cholesterol levels, bringing millions of adults a lot closer to being at risk of heart disease and directing them to statin medications, the world’s most-prescribed prescription drug. This week, medical experts revised safety limits downward for high blood pressure, putting almost half of […]

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It’s happened again. Last year, health officials lowered their recommendations for safe cholesterol levels, bringing millions of adults a lot closer to being at risk of heart disease and directing them to statin medications, the world’s most-prescribed prescription drug. This week, medical experts revised safety limits downward for high blood pressure, putting almost half of Americans at risk for hypertension. High blood pressure is second only to smoking for causing preventable heart disease and stroke deaths, experts say.

While limiting salt intake and adding sleep hours are a few ways patients can help lower their blood pressure, vigorous exercise is also a well-recognized lifestyle modifier that can help as well. SuperSlow LA™ is expert at helping you gain strength, manage weight and lower blood pressure levels. Click here for the entire story.

Yours in good health,
Bruce Fisher

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Meditation can change your life Sun, 09 Jul 2017 18:01:30 +0000 This is a subject that’s dear to my heart. For the last three years, I have been meditating for around thirty minutes every morning. And I have to say, the results have been mind-blowing. I’m able to handle the day-to-day moments in life much easier, traffic on the road doesn’t bother me, and things that used to affect […]

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This is a subject that’s dear to my heart. For the last three years, I have been meditating for around thirty minutes every morning. And I have to say, the results have been mind-blowing. I’m able to handle the day-to-day moments in life much easier, traffic on the road doesn’t bother me, and things that used to affect me in a negative manner just don’t have that power any more.

We incorporate meditation techniques in our SuperSlow workouts too; it makes your training more relaxing and easier to accomplish. When you move slowly and breathe slowly, that’s a form of meditation. My clients feel more relaxed, and are able to perform the exercises to full muscle fatigue, which is the goal in any of our workout sessions.

Why not try meditating for yourself, and see if it improves your quality of life?

Meditation 101: Techniques, Benefits, and a Beginner’s How-to courtesy Gaiam.

Yours in health, Bruce

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Should you pay for your employee’s health? Sun, 09 Jul 2017 01:50:34 +0000 I read an article that talks about whether or not employers should pay for their employees to work out. My feeling is that anything a business can do to promote good health saves money. Let’s face it, health costs are a big issue these days. When you invest in your employees by funding an exercise program and encouraging a healthy eating lifestyle, you’ll […]

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I read an article that talks about whether or not employers should pay for their employees to work out. My feeling is that anything a business can do to promote good health saves money.

Let’s face it, health costs are a big issue these days. When you invest in your employees by funding an exercise program and encouraging a healthy eating lifestyle, you’ll have workers that are happier, more productive, and will most probably miss less time at work too. This article elaborates on these and other benefits. I recommend that every employer read this!

Why it’s time we paid for employees’ exercise, courtesy of Ryan Holmes, Hootsuite.

Yours for good health, Bruce Fisher

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Strength Training and longevity Tue, 18 Apr 2017 01:41:09 +0000 I’ve spent the better part of ten years researching for myself the correlation between strength training and longevity. Last year, I discovered a scientific study by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine that looked at 15,000 adults over a 30-year time frame, and the results were eye-opening. I always felt that when one’s muscles are pushed beyond their normal […]

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I’ve spent the better part of ten years researching for myself the correlation between strength training and longevity. Last year, I discovered a scientific study by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine that looked at 15,000 adults over a 30-year time frame, and the results were eye-opening.

I always felt that when one’s muscles are pushed beyond their normal capacity, something magical happens, and I finally found statistical proof. Not only does strength training make you stronger than you could ever imagine, but strength training also noticeably increases your odds of surviving a heart attack and avoiding a stroke. I hope this new data will help motivate you to positively change the way you live your life!

Yours for good health, benjamin

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Sugar, the enemy of our health Thu, 02 Feb 2017 07:13:13 +0000 Last year I experienced major health problems due to inflammation, and I was desperate to find answers. I went to a number of doctors, and they all told me it was a mild form of arthritis. Only one doctor suggested that I lose some weight, and also change my diet. We also spoke at great length about […]

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Last year I experienced major health problems due to inflammation, and I was desperate to find answers. I went to a number of doctors, and they all told me it was a mild form of arthritis. Only one doctor suggested that I lose some weight, and also change my diet.

We also spoke at great length about a legal drug that affects almost every human being. This drug is in everything that tastes good! What is that drug? I’m referring to sugar, a food that causes many chronic diseases and has no nutritional value. After reading a really scary article about how the sugar industry hid problems with their products years ago, I changed my eating habits so I now eat little or no sugar.

I stopped eating bread, pasta, processed foods and even alcohol, but what happened to me was astonishing! I lost 15 pounds within months, and I threw out all my anti-inflammation medications. I controlled my condition by how I ate. Success!

Now, cliché time: I also want you to know that besides being the owner of SuperSlow LA™, I’m also a client. I found that by changing my diet and incorporating strength training, I feel alive and healthy again. You can do the same; I encourage you to contact me or come in to our studio for a consultation. Hopefully, SuperSlow LA can have the same effect on you that it did on me!

I recommend that you read the above article with an open mind, and see if it resonates with you.

To your health!
Benjamin Fisher

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