What's in it for you?

Strength training is an important component in anyone’s wellness regime, with notable benefits to your physical health, mental effectiveness and ability to enjoy your life. Let’s look at why SUPERSLOWLA offers benefits above and beyond typical fitness training, and you you can be a stronger, more fit person.


Muscle Mass

After age 30, the body loses 3-5% of its muscle mass per decade. SUPERSLOWLA training can help reverse this aging-related process. Building muscle mass results in greater overall strength, a lower BMI (body mass index), revved-up fat-burning capacity, increased mobility, fortified long-term stamina, a leaner physique, and looking really good in your jeans.

Bone Mineral density

Bone mass peaks in the early 20s. At age 40, bone mineral density begins its slow but steady decline. Left unchecked, fragile, brittle bones and osteoporosis are the results. Exercise is one of the few ways to reverse this dangerous cascade, whether weight-bearing (walking, jogging, dancing) or intense, muscle-strengthening training, like what we provide at SUPERSLOWLA.

Metabolic Rate

Metabolism is the amount of energy the body uses, that is, how well you burn the calories taken in as fuel. In building lean muscle mass, SUPERSLOWLA training boosts the body’s resting metabolic rate (BMR). Weight loss and maintenance become easier as fat stores burn more efficiently. Furthermore, an amped-up metabolism means more energy, improved blood circulation, faster healing and better skin.

Core Strength

Abs are just part of the picture. Core muscles – the torso’s deep internal muscles close to the spine – are the vital link between your upper and lower body. Some experts say that midsection core strength is where fitness begins. SUPERSLOWLA training builds the core, resulting in improved posture, better balance, reduced back pain, easier breathing, a flatter stomach and a slimmer waistline.


Body Fat

Over time, SUPERSLOWLA workouts mean more sculpted lean muscle and a whole lot less flabby fat. If you’re overweight, just losing 5-10% of your body fat can make a significant difference in reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lowering cholesterol levels, increasing mobility, sleeping better, and decreasing your likelihood of sudden death from stroke or heart disease.

Anxiety and Depression

Good fitness is good for the mind and spirit, too. Clinical studies show that whether stress-induced or an inherent condition requiring medication, anxiety and depression have met their match with exercise. While no substitute for professional treatment, intense strength training like we offer at SUPERSLOWLA is highly effective for helping improve emotional states and relieve the blues.

Resting Blood Pressure

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fully 1 in 3 Americans has high blood pressure, aka hypertension. Unchecked, hypertension can lead to heart disease, cardiac arrest, stroke and kidney failure. Over the long term, we now know SUPERSLOWLA resistance training can directly lower resting blood pressure as a result of reducing body fat.

Age-Related Decline

Much of what we attribute to aging is, in fact, functional impairment and tissue atrophy (bone, muscle, etc.) due to lack of use. Rather than an inevitable age-associated decline — such as steady muscle and bone loss — the situation is actually highly negotiable. SUPERSLOWLA training is the most efficient way to tackle these problems head on, and reverse some important markers of physical aging.

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